Multi Media Works
2023-24 Mirror of Creation Resident Artist "Experiential Cakes" Series. Audio, Visual, and Food creation.
2023 Myths and Madness Artist in Residence Cottonwood NYC Resident Facilitor 2/week module.
2023 DHL: Damen, Herren, Leute Interactive street theatre performance
2023 The Wedding in Wedding Creative facilitator and performer in an immersive "Wedding" in collaboration with Makeup Drubermachen.
2023 NOIR Night Market Immersive theatre "con artist" character, Lunacy Productions.
2020 Like Trees Online visual poetry exhibition. Audio, Visual, and literary creation.
I am interested in creating experiences that reflect and question the role of art in today's world. My work chases themes of disruption, playfulness, and recovery of that elusive feeling of awe that can be lost in chaos and urbanity. I look for the newness created when colliding mediums and activating a whole embodied experience.